Hung Hom Hair Salon: Popcorn PRIVATE i SALON (黃埔花園) | HK Hair Salon

Popcorn PRIVATE i SALON (黃埔花園)


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PRIVATE i SALON GROUP opened its first chain concept store Popcorn PRIVATE i SALON at Whampoa Jusco, Hung Hom in March 2012. In August 2012, its 2nd concept store will be opened at Fashion Walk in Causeway Bay, one of Hong Kong’s busiest shopping districts. We launched Popcorn PRIVATE i SALON specifically to target trendy customers with high expectation. As our group slogan says, we aim to be “Your Professional Image Partner”, these new stores will continue this tradition with new warm color tones and soft lighting that create a comfortable environment for our customers to enjoy hair and bonboNAIL’s nail services. An array of professional hair care products such as Milbon, Lebel, Hair Solution, Amazon Series™ and other well-known brands around the world will also be available for purchase. As an highlight to our store concept, a popcorn machine is placed at each store to provide fresh and sweet popcorns for our customers. We sincerely invite you to visit one of these Popcorn PRIVATE i SALON concept stores and experience our unmatched head-to-toe beauty service. PRIVATE i SALON GROUP本年3月於黃埔吉之島內開設首間概念店Popcorn PRIVATE i SALON,8月份於香港核心購物區銅鑼灣名店坊開設第二間店舖,Popcorn PRIVATE i SALON主要為追求高質素及時尚享受的客戶而設,為秉承我們的口號「Your Professional Image Partner」,兩家店舖均用上温暖色系配以柔和燈光,讓客人能在最舒適的環境下享受美髮及bonboNAIL美甲服務。為滿足客人在家中護理的需要,我們更提供多系列的專業美髮品牌給客人選購,包括:日本Milbon、Lebel、Hair Solution、Amazon Series™ 及多個世界知名品牌。為貼合Popcorn PRIVATE i SALON為主題的概念店,更於店內設有爆谷機,客人可一面享用優質服務,一面品嚐新鮮及香甜爆谷。誠邀閣下親身體驗Popcorn PRIVATE i SALON概念店最貼身及稱心的美髮、美甲服務。

Popcorn PRIVATE i SALON (黃埔花園) Professional Hair Services

  • 洗剪吹/洗吹造型
  • 染髮
  • 電髮/負離子

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